One Hat, Two Hats, Red Hats, Blue Hats By Coping Magazine 05 Dec, 2010 CANCER, SIDE EFFECTS, SURVIVOR COPING WITH CANCER, GYNECOLOGIC CANCER, HAIR LOSS, OVARIAN CANCER My sister said, “We have to make this fun!” I had just had surgery for ovarian cancer. I was devastated, in pain, scared, and unsure of my future. More
CBS News Anchor Bob Schieffer on Facing Bladder Cancer By Coping Magazine 04 Nov, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR BLADDER CANCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, UROLOGICAL CANCER CBS news veteran Bob Schieffer knows how to get the story. More
Olivia Newton-John By Coping Magazine 26 Sep, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR BREAST CANCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS When Olivia Newton-John was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992, the modern breast cancer movement was just beginning to take shape. More
The Price Is Right’s Rich Fields By Coping Magazine 19 Sep, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR BLOOD AND BONE MARROW CANCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, TESTICULAR CANCER, UROLOGICAL CANCER Though it wasn’t exactly an easy road, looking back Rich can see how cancer was a catalyst in his life. More
Putting It Into Perspective By Coping Magazine 25 Jul, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, TESTICULAR CANCER, UROLOGICAL CANCER Pro golfer Billy Mayfair on golf, cancer, and what’s really important in life. More
Supermodel and Cancer Survivor Emme By Coping Magazine 23 May, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR BLOOD AND BONE MARROW CANCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, HODGKINS LYMPHOMA ‘Love Yourself Every Step of the Way’ More
Cancer Brain Fog By Coping Magazine 16 May, 2010 CANCER, SIDE EFFECTS, UNDERSTANDING CANCER BRAIN FOG, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, COPING WITH CANCER What is cancer brain fog, what causes it, and what should you do about it? More
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Cancer Survivor By Coping Magazine 13 Mar, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR BLOOD AND BONE MARROW CANCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA (CML), LEUKEMIA Many words have been used to describe Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: sports legend, basketball god, most valuable player, champion. But another one has recently been added to the list: survivor. More
O Is for Organize Your Life By Coping Magazine 20 Feb, 2010 CANCER, CAREGIVER, HOW TO COPE - SURVIVOR COPING WITH CANCER Here’s how to get all different aspects of your life organized after a cancer diagnosis. More
Pro Golfer Jim Colbert By Coping Magazine 06 Feb, 2010 CANCER, SURVIVOR CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, PROSTATE CANCER, UROLOGICAL CANCER Pro Golfer Jim Colbert talks to us about surviving prostate cancer, what it was like to receive the initial news from his doctor, and more. More
Some Dreams Do Come True (even after cervical cancer) By Coping Magazine 08 Dec, 2009 CANCER, SURVIVOR CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, CERVICAL CANCER, FERTILITY, GYNECOLOGIC CANCER Marissa Jaret Winokur doesn’t let anything – not even cancer – stand in the way of her dreams. More
Actor Richard Roundtree By Coping Magazine 16 May, 2009 CANCER, SURVIVOR BREAST CANCER, CELEBRITY INTERVIEWS, MALE BREAST CANCER Richard spoke with Coping about his diagnosis, why he kept it hidden, and what made him finally speak up. More