Can Someone Wake Me?

Can Someone Wake Me? Lauren Fields

by Lauren Fields

Can someone wake me up from this nightmare please? I just want my life back. 
I want health. I want energy.
I want this port out of my chest.
I want my hair, lashes, and brows.
I want to have two breasts.
I want the ability to go out with friends and have a drink or two.
I want to know happiness and stop feeling so blue. 
I want to have a normal appetite instead of being nauseous and sick.
I want to be completely done with scans and needle pricks.
I want to make it through a day without having to lie down.
I want to pick out a wedding dress, not another hospital gown. 
I want to drive my car again, the ability to just go. 
I want the freedom to travel everywhere and not worry about chemo. 
I want to not freak out about every pain I feel.
I want to have the chance for my body to completely heal.
I want an average life span longer than 5 years. 
I want to stop randomly breaking down in tears. 
I want the possibility of my biggest dream coming true.
I want to be a mother, and have a baby or two.
I want my parents to relax and not be so stressed out.
I want them to know they are appreciated and never have a doubt.
I want my man to look at me and know together we’ll grow old. 
I want to always be the only hand he holds.
I want so much to have a normal healthy life. 
But cancer came in and cut through it like a knife.
It has taken so much from me, sometimes I just can’t deal. 
My mind still tries to process the fact that this is real. 
But it hasn’t taken everything, in fact there are some things it gave.
A realization of how fragile life is and what it means to be brave.

Lauren Fields is a 31-year-old stage IV metastatic breast cancer survivor with a passion for writing and a desire to show others that life is precious and to not take anything for granted.

Everyone has a unique story to share. Do you want to share your survivor story? We consider a cancer survivor to be anyone living with a history of cancer – from diagnosis through the remainder of life. Here are our submission guidelines.

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