Send Your NCSD Photos for a Chance to Be Included in the Official Coverage!

Coping® with Cancer is featuring local National Cancer Survivors Day® celebrations. And your photos could be included. As we celebrate cancer survivors on Sunday, June 1st, we hope you will document this historic moment.
Follow these tips for deciding which photos to send us:
Tell a story.
The best NCSD photos will tell the story of your celebration from start to finish. Taking photos of key moments will help build a narrative of your Celebration of Life.
Make a plan.
Before your celebration begins, think about what photos you want to take. For example, a wide shot of the crowd, a close-up of your speaker, or cancer survivors crossing a finish line. You may even want to make a list.
Embrace the candid.
Candid shots of people caught up in the moment capture the spirit of NCSD much better than posed photos in front of the same background.
Catch the action.
A photo will always be still, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be lively. Pictures of people doing something – laughing, dancing, giving hugs, lighting a candle – are much more interesting than photos of people sitting still or posing unnaturally.
Be selective.
With digital cameras, it’s easy to take hundreds of photos at one event. But that doesn’t mean you should post them all. Spend a little time picking out the best shots to post or share. And make sure you send them to Coping magazine!
Send the best digital photos of your Celebration of Life to us by the deadline of June 9th to be considered for our official coverage of National Cancer Survivors Day® 2025.
• Format: Close up, candid shots are preferred, either vertical or horizontal.
• Photo Description: Provide a short description of each photo submitted; list people from left to right.
• Digital Camera: Set your camera for the highest possible resolution (quality). Submit via email or file transfer service such as DropBox or WeTransfer.
• Event Information. Please provide information about your event: The name of the event host (sponsor), event name, location (treatment center, park, virtual, etc.), city and state where event was hosted. Also provide contact information, including your name, organization, phone, and email.

• Email to: Send photos at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
• Send your DropBox, WeTransfer, or other file transfer link to:
• Email:
• Call: (615) 790-2400
By submitting your photo(s), you and your sponsoring organization(s) acknowledge that you have the rights to the photo(s) and grant permission to allow Coping and the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation to use submitted materials, in whole or in part, in print and electronic formats and for future publicity for National Cancer Survivors Day®.