Life Plot Twists Build Resilience

Life Plot Twists Build Resilience Melinda Morris

by Melinda Morris

I live in Summerville, SC and own a coaching and training business along with being an indie author, acrylic artist, and Mom. My life has been a “series of plot twists” which led me to this moment — thriving with stage IV breast cancer. By sharing my journey, I hope to bring awareness, education and hope. I believe that we have a responsibility to lead ourselves and others, and can learn from and be inspired by other people’s journeys. 

I was born in 1980 and lived the life of a Navy nomad along the east coast. I graduated high school in Camden County, GA in 1998, where I was voted “most original” with plans to get a psychology degree. The first major plot twist occurred when my best friend Jen died in a car accident, which prompted me to join the Air Force in 1999. With plans to separate after my four-year enlistment, the next plot twist occurred when instead I found my passion job, equal opportunity, and stayed over 20 years, retiring in 2019 as a Senior Master Sergeant after eight bases, two deployments, a marriage, daughter, divorce, and what I would qualify as a lifetime friends and amazing experiences later.

In chaotic times, I encourage people to relax, reframe and reflect and stay hope-saturated, growth-oriented, and spread kindness.

After retirement, I thought I’d move to Georgia close to my mom and two sisters, get a job, and grow roots. Instead, the next major plot twist was accepting a job as the civilian equal opportunity director at Charleston Air Base where I thought I’d live and work my passion for 20 more years. 

A year into my new career, the next plot twist came after my 40-year-old recommended mammogram in June 2021 which showed calcium deposits. By October 2021, I was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic estrogen-positive, non-genetic, HER2 negative breast cancer. By January 2022, I started processing my medical retirement and by March, the application for social security disability, stepping away from my career. Because my cancer was initially aggressive, I made end of life plans. But, the next plot twist was outliving the initial prognosis. My treatment has included removal of my ovaries and fallopian tubes in January 2023, a total left mastectomy in July 2023, and a recent change of treatment after the first and second lines of treatment lost their effectiveness. 

In chaotic times, I encourage people to relax, reframe and reflect and stay hope-saturated, growth-oriented, and spread kindness. Acceptance of what is and hope for the future are practices I choose every day. 

I also believe mindset matters, and acceptance is about how you process the good and the bad. Through the plot twists, what helps me maintain optimism is: 1) my faith God is good and has a unique purpose for me; 2) my self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and resilience skills; 3) my desire to help and encourage people to be the best versions of themselves; and 4) to be an active mom. 

LIKE THIS ARTICLE? CHECK OUT:  Losing My Grip – Both Literally and Figuratively

I wanted to optimize my remaining healthy time and impact through intentional living and perseverance. In 2023, I launched Start with Self, LLC which coaches and trains individuals and teams in communication, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, True Colors personality assessments, and the Hardiness Resilience Gauge. I have six books released through Amazon; most are also available at the Summerville Public Library in the local author section. My 2024 mantra is “I’ll help as many as I can for as long as I can.” 

I also create acrylic paintings to decorate the world. My “cultivate curiosity” painting sold through the 2023 Summerville Public Works Art Center Spark community exhibition, and am now a Summerville Artist Guild juried exhibiting member.

I believe loving and accepting yourself is the journey to love and accepting others and knowing your weaknesses, insecurities, and fears help you not project them on others. Life is a growth journey, and we can all get better one decision, behavior, and day at a time.

I encourage preventative care and appreciate compassion, and support. Embrace each day as a gift.

Melinda Morris is a metastatic breast cancer survivor living in Charleston, SC. You can learn more about Melissa on her website. Read part one of her story here.

Everyone has a unique story to share. Do you want to share your survivor story?
We consider a cancer survivor to be anyone living with a history of cancer –
from diagnosis through the remainder of life.
Here are our submission guidelines.
