Practical Tips for Coping with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Practical Tips for Coping with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

When you’re diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or CLL, you may need help with practical tasks (such as sorting through treatment options or finding financial assistance for medical expenses), as well as with the emotional challenges of coping with your diagnosis. Your healthcare team can assist you with many of these concerns. You can also take steps on your own to find the support you need.


Find a specialist. See a doctor who specializes in treating blood cancers. This kind of specialist is usually called a hematologist oncologist. To find a blood cancer specialist, ask your primary care doctor to recommend one, or contact a nearby cancer center. Here are some places you can contact for information about hospitals, cancer treatment facilities, and surgical centers.

  • The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s website, Cancer.Net, offers a “Find an Oncologist” database that allows you to search by many different criteria, including area of specialty, board certification, and location.
  • The National Cancer Institute ( or 800-4-CANCER) publishes a list of NCI Designated Cancer Centers.
  • The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ( or 800-955-4572) offers a helpful fact sheet titled “Choosing a Blood Cancer Specialist or Treatment Center.”

Talk with your healthcare team. Your healthcare team includes nurses and social workers, as well as your primary care doctor, cancer specialist, and CLL specialist. Talking openly with members of your team will help you feel more involved in your healthcare. Remember that you, too, are a key member of the team, so speak up about any concerns you may have.

Opening up about your diagnosis with family members and friends is not always easy, but it can be helpful, both for you and for them.

Make sure you understand the treatment plan your doctor is recommending. CLL can be indolent – not growing – for months or years. During this time, watchful waiting may be the best treatment option. If this is the case for you, ask your doctor how he or she will decide when to recommend active treatment of your CLL.

Keep written notes. Make notes about symptoms or side effects you notice, and any other questions or concerns you have. This can help you keep track of issues to discuss with your doctor or healthcare team so that you can get the answers and support you need. You may find it helpful to take someone with you to your medical appointments. Taking notes during conversations with your healthcare team may be beneficial as well, as you will be able to review what was discussed at a later time.

LIKE THIS ARTICLE? CHECK OUT:  Get the Facts on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Stay close to family and friends. Share your thoughts and feelings. Opening up about your diagnosis with family members and friends is not always easy, but it can be helpful, both for you and for them. Talking to a trained counselor or oncology social worker can help you and your loved ones improve communication.

Ask for help. It can be hard to ask for or accept help, and you may worry that you’ll be a burden. However, friends and family members often want to help, but they might need guidance in knowing how to help. Think about how your loved ones can support you in practical ways. For example, do you need help with household chores, rides to medical appointments, or assistance with man- aging financial paperwork?


Consider joining a support group. A support group provides a chance to meet and interact with other people who can understand your experience. Building a support network can lessen the isolation that often comes with cancer diagnosis. A support group is a unique opportunity to connect with others impacted by cancer.

Seek out professional counseling. Feeling stressed or anxious while coping with cancer is common. Face-to-face, online, or over-the-phone counseling provides a safe space to voice any concerns to better cope with these changes. An oncology social worker can also help you find local resources and programs that fit your needs.

CancerCare offers free face-to-face, telephone, and online support groups led by professional oncology social workers. The organization offers 100 password-protected online support groups each year for people with specific cancer diagnoses, caregivers, and the bereaved. To learn more, call (800) 813-4673 or visit

Reprinted with permission from

This article was published in Coping® with Cancer magazine, January/February 2021.
